
I am so thrilled to announce that we have a subscription to a wonderful reading program called Raz Kids this year! Not only will we be using this program at school, but you will also have access at home as well! 

How it Works:
  • Your child's teacher will assign your child to a reading level online based on their performance in the classroom.
  • Your child needs to earn a check mark for each of the symbols that are located under each book. (Ear, eye and question mark) See the reading "rules" below
  • Your child earns "stars" for each check mark that they earn. On your child's home page you will find a some icons called, Raz-Rocket and Robot Builder . This is a pretend space themed area where students can "buy" items for their Raz-Rocket room and Robot avatars using the starts that they earned for reading.
  • Once a child earns a check mark for all symbols, they automatically will be advance to the next level of books. 
    • Example: If your child starts on a level C book and they earn a check mark for each book, they automatically will be moved to the level D library.
    • NOTE: Advancing to the next level of books does not always accurately reflect their reading level at school.
Home Reading "Rules"

If you child logs in (see the paper that was sent home for your child's login information or contact Ms. Cross) we ask that you follow the specific "rules" below.
  1. Only work on 1 book at a time
    • First, listen to the book. (Click the ear)
    • Next, read the book. (Click the eye)
    • Finally, take the comprehension quiz. (Question mark)
      • If you child does not pass the quiz the first time: have them listen to the book again and then try retaking the quiz.
      • If they do not pass the quiz (earning a check mark) the second time: move on to another book. We will look at the teacher side of the program and figure out what type of questions that they are missing and work on that skill at school.
We are extremely excited to use this program this year!

Please feel free to use this as part of their reading homework.

If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Cross.

To visit the website, click on the picture below and enter "lcross9":

 Below you will find a quick overview on how to use the website:

If you are interested in the leveling of the books, you may find a chart here.

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